Nestle – Nacelle Tiny House

When windturbines are end of life, a lot of material is lost. Blade–Made has been focussed on the blades, but now we’ve added a remaining part of GFPR material to our portfolio.

In a What If Lab project by the Dutch Design Foundation the building regulations have been applied to a nacelle by Superuse. When this turned out to be a valid scenario for reuse as a tiny house, Blade–Made stepped in to facilitate the process to go from decommissioned nacelle to tiny house Nestle.

Business in Wind was able to provide a V80 nacelle that formerly was operating in Gols, Austria. It was already stored in The Netherlands and has been brought to Woodwave in Rotterdam by the transport company Vlastuin.

Woodwave organised the transformation, based on the drawings of Superuse. The new steel construction has been calculated by IMD Raadgevende Ingenieurs and has carefully been placed inside the existing shell. The interior is completely build by the craftsmen and -women of Woodwave, while the technical installations have been provided by Feenstra.

Finally the interior has been styled by for the Dutch Design Week, also using a table and chairs form circuform. Next steps for this Tiny House are currently in development by Vattenfall. Blade–Made is gathering the responses and requests considering Nestle and we’ll see if other applications are also possible.

Vattenfall, Superuse, Woodwave, Business in Wind, Feenstra, Dutch Design Foundation,, circuform, IMD Raadgevende Ingenieurs

Realised October 2024
